Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Almost Halfway through first semester of TEAM

So when we first started TEAM I wasn't really sure what was going. Our professors continually asked us if we were overwhelmed, overworked or scared to be starting TEAM. I don't think that any of those words described how I felt for the first 6 weeks of TEAM but I know that I was definitely feeling something. I can confidently say that I was ultra confused about every aspect of TEAM for the first 6 weeks but then something happened on Monday; it all started making sense! All of a sudden I realized and understood that TEAM truly wasn't the same as any other class I had ever taken and that each student in TEAM was going to take something different away from TEAM. Over the past few days I have found myself feeling excited about what the next few weeks and year and a half of TEAM is going to bring me. I wonder what other new technologies I will be exposed to and how I will use these technologies to change the way I teach and live my life.

Monday, October 1, 2007

P, G and S ???

P, G and S stands for Professional Growth and Scholarship.

Class Scavenger Hunt

I'm sitting in class today and we are reviewing the Internet Scavenger Hunt activity. I think that the internet searching methods that Michelle recommended would have been useful in completing this assignment. Google has many advanced search options such as "file format" and "domain".